Undeniable Challenges for Tech Women: 8 Strategies to balance Life and WORK

Undeniable Challenges for Tech Women: 8 Strategies to balance Life and WORK

Undeniable Challenges for Tech Women: 8 Strategies to balance Life and WORK

Technological advancements has compelled everyone to accept technological gadgets to survive and penetrate this competitive world. This technological advancement demands new skills and expertise from every individual, regardless of gender biases. Hence, women emerge as Tech Women and show their incredible contribution to the world of technology.

Embracing the technology by women to break the cultural and social barrier helps them to thrive and shape their future. The lap of technology can assist Tech women to nourish their creativity, innovation and determination. 

Many tech enterprises like Shedev have believed in women’s potential and are making others believe that “She can She Code”.

 Shedev has reinforced the belief in women’s aptitude and dwindles the perception in society that women are meant only for trivial jobs such as cleaning. However, it is difficult for women in Tech field to balance work and life.

Hence, here in this blog, you will explore the challenges and strategies for  Tech women to balance work and life simultaneously.

Challenges for Tech Women (Riding on two different boats at same time.

Challenges can be evident for women in Tech career because tilting toward a technological gadget from a brush in hand is quite a different and challenging story. This similar tilt cannot be expected in every individual’s perception. Still, some stereotypical people refer to women confined within boundaries as freak creatures who merely provide the services of cleaning at home at once.

The Tech Women face difficulties balancing their personal lives and careers because they simultaneously ride on two boats. Juggling with family responsibilities and workplace commitment can create a conundrum situation for Tech women. Home commitments sometimes act as a barrier to the performance of women. Pondering about household activities and kids’ safety can make women less competitive and effective in their work than men. 

Women’s nature of caring and family-oriented mindset can also make them prioritize their home and family first. The commonly observed challenges faced by Tech Women are lack of representation, gender bias, stereotyping and unequal pay. 

Gender bias not only persists at the workplace but also at home. Household is considered entirely the women’s role, and a lack of family support always prevents women from proceeding. Some family and cultural-specific rules prohibit  Tech women from working late in office. 

The conflicting roles of Tech women prohibit them from giving adequate time to their kids, and as a result, they have to face the challenge of lack of motivation for their kids in their studies. 

Despite the advancement, society still considered caring for the household as a primary obligation of a woman, no matter how competent and devoted she is in her career. In such circumstances, Tech women who are committed to their life goals often fall into stress and depression, which gradually disrupt their mental health. 

The perceptions and socially constructed gender roles sometimes prohibit Tech women from thinking out of the box. However, balancing life and career can guarantee success in career and life both. Therefore, a woman must balance work and life effectively to overcome stress and enjoy a healthy life.

Strategies for Tech Women to manage Stress and Maintain Well-being

Tech women frequently become the victim of stress due to their prolonged duties and some personal obligations. However, a few strategies might relieve them and help maintain their well-being.

Before moving toward the strategies to overcome stress in Tech women, women need to know the main issues that compelled them to fall into stress.

Finding the causes might help Tech women in their stress management. One of the leading cause is meeting the deadline for a tech woman, which can be pretty tricky, along with all other household obligations. 

Strategies to overcome stress in Tech Women.

  • Coming up with a simple relaxation technique such as yoga for an hour, listening to music and reading a few pages of a favorite book, which can be followed daily, may help them to dwindle the stress condition.
  • Pre-planned timetables for diverse activities can also help a Tech woman get involved in numerous daily activities.
  • Separating household matters and working hours can also be seen as effective measure in this case, for which a tech woman needs to set fixed working hours and not prolong her work from 8-9 hours.
  • Understanding life’s priorities and listing down things to do and not to do can help Tech Women spend their day productively.
  • Breaking long-term goals into pebbles and taking breaks after achieving pebbles one by one can also give relief to Tech women.
  • It is generally said that what is in your hand is in your mind; therefore, keeping a check and balance of diet is also essential to remain fit and healthy.
  • Taking quality sleep for an adequate hour can revitalize Tech women’s strength and aptitude when they return to work.
  • Thinking positively and seeking different ways to tackle issues can also assist Tech women to get rid of burdens and relax. 

Considering the tips above, Tech women can stay calm and code on. 


Technology has empowered women while overlapping some challenges in their career and personal lives, which need to be tackled with care and healthy tips. Tech Women must be efficient enough to cope with the challenges by following a healthy routine and spare time to revitalize again. Riding on two different boats simultaneously is quite a difficult task for them. Juggling with family responsibilities and, at the same time, fulfilling commitments can lead them toward stress and unease. The stress in Tech Women can dwindle through an hourly activity that can calm them; proper sleep and a good diet can also relieve them.