Why Digital Literacy is Important in this Era?

Why Digital Literacy is Important in this Era?

Why Digital Literacy is Important in this Era?

Let us guess why digital literacy is important. 

We are living in an era where life without technology and the internet is nothing. People know each other online, businesses are growing through digital platforms, teaching-learning is virtual, and clients hire freelancers across the globe. In a nutshell, the world has been a global village and any information needed is just a click away.  

In this scenario, if anyone is unfamiliar with the use of the internet and its gadgets, that means they need an update right away. The understanding of using digital technologies such as smartphones and laptops enables one to reach out for opportunities from anywhere.

What is Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy means the ability to use digital technology, and the familiarity with discovering, evaluating, and communicating through diverse digital media platforms. Basic use of Digital Gadgets may include; finding relevant information online, creating a Google account, knowledge of MS office, the ability to send e-mail, and using various Google applications properly. These skill sets can be further used to dig into the world of technology, which is endless. 

According to Joaquim Miro, CMO at Hoppin’ World, Digital Literacy involves the following four pillars:   

  • Stay up to date with existing technologies
  • Properly communicate in an online environment
  • Manage your ideas in an online environment
  • Manage teams leveraging technology

Being Digitally Literate means paving the way to learn and earn online. 

Importance of Digital Literacy

Today Digital Literacy is as important as food. To become a global citizen and to establish networks and businesses, digital literacy is the key. If we look back, a decade ago, being digitally literate was impressive and was not a necessity for every individual. Today whether a person wants to get employed, hire people, get a comprehensive education, or build social connections, digital literacy is the most important component.

Let us find out why a person needs to be digitally educated.

Personal Learning and New Skill Sets

A digitally equipped person can evaluate his skill sets required in this era. The need to learn digital skills is an ongoing process. The technologies and their uses change from time to time, new skills replace the old ones, and updates are always required to catch the pace of changes.  

The online courses present on different media platforms remain helpful in learning new skill sets. Which can be used to generate income.

Start a Virtual Business

Those who have business ideas but cannot afford to rent places to run can start their small businesses online. Creating a social media page and promoting their services and products online can ensure their presence online. By doing small investments in ads and social media posts, entrepreneurs can generate revenue easily. To avail of all these opportunities and from marketing to tracking its progress, digital education is essential


Marketing through digital media is the most growing trend in the world of technology. No matter whether the business is big or small, people use different marketing strategies and platforms to expand that. If a business is not present online, very less people are predicted to know about that. On the other hand, the presence of it on the internet can reach as many audiences as you want. The marketing can be done through social media posts, ads, websites, and emails. Digital literacy paves a way to reach the target audiences. 

Find relevant information

The Internet is the best tool to find any information just a click away. Being digitally literate enables one to use the relevant social media platforms to find relevant information. It can be any academic-related information, news, or any other general information.